The debate of science vs. religion or god vs. science has been ongoing for thousands of years, Even though it is popular belief that Religion and Science are on completely different ends of the spectrum, science and religion work together in more way than one may think. In the article “How to Teach Science to the Pope,” by Michael Manson, the suggestion that science and religion are intertwined with one another is discussed. “The idea that the universe is worth studying just because it’s worth studying is a religious idea,” Consolmagno says. Studying, observing and gaining a better understanding of the world we live in benefits everyone not matter what ones religious beliefs are. However throughout history the idea that science will eventually replace religion has created an ongoing battle between the two. (Please see article: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1555132,00.html) Both science and religion play a role in all of our lives. Which bring forth the question, which is more important, I think Religion nor Science can answer all of our questions. Such as the question of how the earth was created? Is science there are many theories, the big bang and evolution. In religion there is belief that there is a creator? Even though the theory of evolution may seem more realistic it is still a theory and there could be a different, perhaps better theory. Instead of constantly putting religion and science against each other could the two work together to further better the general population. Religion touches a lot of people where as science does not. Especially when it comes to third world countries were advances in science and technology have little impact on people, whereas religion has significant impact.
The end of the article states, “We are not saying that science has to explain religion. It is impossible from the perspective of transcendent faith. I would say that a scientist feels that science is not giving him everything. Science does not explain many aspects of human life such as love, friendships, and things like that.” I Personally feel it is beneficial for us to realize that we cannot understand the entire universe through only looking at religion or only looking at science. However by looking at science, religion and numerous other areas of studies allow humans to have an overall better understanding of the universe.
Work Cited:
Mason, Michael. "How to Teach Science to the Pope." Discover Magazine. August 18, 2008. http://discovermagazine.com/2008/sep/18-how-to-teach-science-to-the-pope
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