Sunday, December 14, 2008

Darwin Revelation

Kate Harroun
Scientific Revolutions
Darwin Revelation

Darwin Revelation

Social Darwinism is known as the survival of the fittest within a society.  This theory is best shown from the reasoning of why kids enroll in college.  This is because they want to get a degree and obtain a good job in the future.  The kids that decide not to go to college usually do not make as high of a salary as those who spent a good amount of money and four years getting an education.  In the workplace an individual always wants to be better than their peers in the hopes that they can have a better life.  This is what my revelation of social Darwinism in the real world means to me.  
Different course readings touched on this subject in a variety of ways.  Andrew Carnegie wrote in The Gospel Of Wealth that, "We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment; the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial, but essential to the future progress of the race" (Appleman, 396).  This basically means that only a few hold the ability to live in the best places, work the best jobs, and because only these few individuals have this grace the human race will live on.  This is because of the competition people experience in their lives.  This could also be further explained as the survival of the fittest, and if everyone had the survival techniques to have an equal life that is the best the human race would all be the same. 
Another course reading that explains this revelation is a selection from On Becoming Human, by Nancy Makepeace Tanner, where she states, "Natural Selection - the fitness of the individual and ... the intelligence to gather and the sociability to share with offspring doubtless were enhanced by natural selection ... and skilled use of the hands" (Appleman, 432).  This basically means that physically being the best and mentally being the best are just as important to one another.  To be the best and survive as the fittest you need not to just have a large mental capacity but strong physical features as well.  Both are important to survive as a human in this lifetime.  You need to have both the mental stamina and physical stamina to achieve success.  

The Apprentice Season 1 Intro. Retrieved December 14th, 2008, from

I have included the video for the theme song to the popular job interview show called The Apprentice.  This show involves people that go through many tasks in the hopes to win a high power job working for Donald Trump.  At the end of the show only one person will be the winner if they show Mr. Trump they are the strongest for the job.  This is another example of how the theory of social Darwinism occurs in everyday life.  

Works Cited

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