Since the beginning of time man has looked to the heavens and wondered what is up there. Many people have made assumptions based on the best scientific data at the time. In the time of Ptolemy it was believed that the earth was the center of the universe and that all other heavenly bodies rotated around us. It was also believed that there were only five planets, the sun, the moon, the stars and nothing else in the universe. According to the article “Saving the Appearances” by Brian Baigrie this was the most advanced scientific theory at the time. In our modern era new scientific theories are being formed about our solar system. According to an article published by National Geographic “New Planet Discovered in the Solar System?” by John Roach
announced that a “chunk of rock and ice” larger than Pluto has been discovered. For now it is being called an “extreme member of the Kuiper belt”. This new discovery simply make one thing infinitely clear, we will never know everything there is to know about our universe but as technology increases in sophistication we will learn more and more about our universe.
Works cited
Baigrie, Brian. “Scientific Revolutions” Saving the Appearances. 2 October 2008.
Roach, John “New Planet Discovered in the Solar System?” 1 August 2005 National Geographic News. 2 October 2008. <>
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